Friday, August 29, 2008

How to study a subject in the Bible.

By MrMaranatha

I am a BAPTIST... "Sola Scriptura" Believer. I believe that with good study habits almost anyone is capable of having a great walk with God... and that those same people will end up agreeing with one another in most matters Biblical. Here is how to use some simple resources to gain a better understanding of the Bible and understand the scriptures in light of Gods word... Rather than mans oppinions. I hope this article will be a help to you. Please let me know if you need any of its parts made easier to understand.

Things You’ll Need:
King James Bible (Not a NKJV it is falsly named)
Strongs Exhaustive Concordence of the Bible
available at most Bible bookstores or you could try ebay and (New and used)
Yellow Highlight marker
Notebook for your study

I strongly recommend the Bible Timeline Study Chart!!! Here is where you can get it...

First Identify your subject of study.
Lets say you want to know what the Bible says about "Adultery".
Go to your strongs and find the word "Adultery" in the first section and after the word you will see many verses of the Bible that use the word "Adultery" Only in each of the verses the word has been reduced to an italicized "a"
Pr 6:32 But whoso committeth "a" with a woman lacketh understanding: he that doeth it destroyeth his own soul. (I used Quotation markes due to this system not accepting the necisary font change to italics.)
Go down the list and find a few verses that intrigue you and look them up in your bible.
Now write them down and make some notes as to how you feel about the subject so far...

Now go to the Strongs again and look for the number that follows the Verses you are studying...
This number (usually 4 digits) is the "Strongs Number" for that word.
As you look over your verses you may notice that there are several numbers instead of the same number repeated.
When you find the word has several numbers write the numbers down in a notebook leaving enough room between the numbers that you will be able to write the definition and any insights you glean during the study.

Now you are going to enter into the more in depth side of your study.
This is the basic source word study that will shed much more light on what was being said by the author.
Go back to the Strongs and turn to the Back of the book. In the back of the strongs there are two sections that you need to be aware of.
The First section in the back is for Old Testament Words and the second section in back is for New Testament words.
In other words at the very Back is the New Testament Greek and before it comes Old testament Hebrew... its in the same order as the Bible (Old Testament before New Testament).
Clarification: The order of the entire book is like this; Dictionary First, then a little section called Appendix (and just like an apendix in your body... nobody seems to know why its there or what its for...:-)
After the Appendix comes the Hebrew Old Testament word analysis and then lastly is the Greek New Testament word analysis.

Take the number of the word Adultery from your list and look it up in the back of the strongs taking care to look it up in the propper section in back. You will note at this point if you are following along in your strongs that "Adultery" is 5003 in the Old Testament and has several numbers in the New Testament.
For starters lets go to 5003 in the Old Testament section.
and you should find something like this:
05003. Pan na'aph, naw-af'
a primitive root; to commit adultery; figuratively, to apostatize:--adulterer(-ess), commit(-ing) adultery, woman that breaketh wedlock.
Step5Now Write down your findings in your study notebook under the number 5003 and continue on to the New Testament numbers... Look them up and write them down.
3431. moiceuw moicheuo, moy-khyoo'-o
from 3432; to commit adultery:--commit adultery.
In this case you see that the word is refrenced to another word that is the male form... Adulterer.
In some words you will see that the word is a compound of two or more other words which are combined to form the word.
In this scenario you would need to dig deeper and look up both of the "Root Words" to find the earlier or base meaning.

With a little bit of practice this study becomes not only easy.. but fun. Conduct your Bible studies after Prayer and do so seriously looking for the Lord Himself to meet with you and show you something you didn't allready know or understand... Through the Holy Spirit which dwells inside all believers God will open doors of understanding and teach you from the bounty of his Word...
The Fountain of all wisdom is at your fingertips...
2Ti 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Try using this study techniche on the word Baptism.
The name "Peter" and the word "rock" also becomes a word study in Matthew 16:13-18
Pay close attention to the "it" in verse 17.
The question "What is the "IT" in verse 17 refering to?" will show you the importance of keeping your subject study in Context with the scripture.
May God Bless your studies
In Christ Service
Mr Maranatha

You can make a 12' long bible study chart like this one! In Color from your computer printer)
In any good study of the bible... be it a simple reading of a book or an in depth study of the prophets themselves... You can benefit greatly from a good chart that shows information that is relative to your study.
I recently found this chart and its author has made it available online in a digital format! You can see the details and purchase it at this site:

Tips & Warnings
If you have a Bible computer program it may do many of the search functions for you but to me it is not a replacement for an actual Hard Backed copy of a Strongs thats nearby when you need it.

See my other article on "How to have Peace in your Soul"

Bible study can be adictive and will usually effect your whole life...

Because it usually makes the person Happy, pleasant to be around and generally takes away allot of the wories that bother the rest of the world. You may not want to put it off any longer.

Monday, August 25, 2008

How do you Identify a Cult?

Thinking to join a new church but are worried that it may be a cult... better do some investigation before you join! This is the article that some Cult members don't want you to read... That's why they keep trying to have it removed before you read it...

One Mans Cult is another mans Religion... But in this article I am talking specifically about some so called "Christian Churches" that are nothing more than Cults Using our Gods name and the Churches Front and reputation to hide their ungodly deeds.If the Truth hurts... Its still the truth...Truth though trodden under foot and stomped in the mud... Is still the truth.Like it or not... It is still the truth.

What do the neighbors say? Now we live in a day when many people are against the Church because of anti-God sentiment or other reasons... You can generally figure out where the people you are talking to are coming from... But if you see a trend in religious people that looks like this... Beware!!!

If Christians in the community are pretty unanimous about "stay away from that one... Its Pastor is a cult leader".And if that Singular church that they are warning you of... calls the rest of the churches in the area "a bunch of apostates and Laodiceans" and generally considers the whole bunch "Lost" and or "Reprobate"... Beware... Cults prey upon the Good intentions of their members. They want you to think that they are the only ones in town who are right with God.

In a Cult, The Leader (sometimes called a Pastor or Dad or Moderator or whatever) has sole authority that is unchecked by the congregation. This may be done literally by the position of his Job. Or it may be done by him "Owning" his Congregation through family ties or Monetary interests... like owning the Company everyone works for and the buildings they live in.
Step5Watch for continual preaching on the same topics.. like adultery and fornication... and another good sign would be a Preachers office that has no windows (or they are generally curtained) and a private Bathroom that connects to a "Profits Chamber" or has a Back door that can allow for secret meetings.A Pastor should NEVER under ANY CERCUMSTACES... EVER Council a woman privately without his own wife present. (AND HER HUSBAND if she is married)

Hypocrisy from the Pulpit is another good sign that something is wrong... For example: The Pastor preaches not to steal and his children are the leaders of the local Children's Mafia... dealing in anything and everything that is missing from the pews or could be pilfered from purses etc.Hypocrisy like... Telling you to discipline your children: But his own children go unchecked (except for rare occasions where he makes a show of it for your benefit).

Tithes and offerings: Should be counted by a third party (Not the Pastor or his wife but a Deacon or Elder with a witness) and should be logged into the churches accounting books.The church budget should not be a secret.The church financial information should be available for view upon request to any MEMBER of the church. (Not for outsiders however: Really it's none of their business and churches are correct in being discreet with these figures.)Our Sending church puts a monthly copy of the budget intake and outgoing in a hidden place where the members know about and can take a peak before its put away... Its an effective and discreet way of staying above reproach.

At another church we once belonged to:A small congregation of only 14 men and their families were supporting over 120 missions projects and missionaries... (Supposedly) The total amount that each mission item was receiving was not disclosed but when we read the letters from the missionaries we saw that many of them were only receiving from $25 - $35 per month.The Church missions offering was coming in at a rate of 12,000 per month from men who were encouraged to give to missions till it hurt and make vows to God and to live up to our Promises... (most of us were self employed and could scrape it up)Then when Hypocrisy started showing up from the Pulpit and when little things told us we were being lied to... we started looking at the math and found that the Missions offerings were not adding up.If most of the Missionaries are only getting less than $50... and we have 120 of them = $6000 Where is the other $6000 per month in missions offerings?

Hmmmm Pastor just bought some more Brangus Heifers for his pasture and hasn't been to the sale barn lately...Pastor just bought himself an expensive Dually Diesel truck for his farm use... a New Tractor...Things start to fall into place.

Women in the church:Encouraged to separate from their husbands because the husband is "Un-saved" a "Bum" and is against Pastoral Council.Inappropriate relations noticed between these Woman and the so called Pastor...They literally Idolize him... He can do no wrong in their eyes.Then the rumours start floating around about inapropriate relations...

Guns in the sanctuary: Guns don't belong in Church... Period.
Now I know that we live in an age when churches are attacked by outsiders bursting in the doors and shooting people... We tend to think that these problems will only get worse... I am aware that protection is necessary in the days that are ahead.But if we look at the pulpit and we see a man who is literally carrying an arsenal with him and encouraging his faithful few to do likewise.. there could be ulterior motives... like Irate husbands of former church Members.... accusations of foul play...
A man who wants guns all around for his protection... Is a recipe for "Ill play while you pay..."

Hermeneutics: The Bible alone should be the sole authority of a Christian Churches Doctrine. (This is the first precept in In Baptist Churche Doctrine). A good sign that a Cult is being born is when the Bible verses start being twisted to support personal agenda or lifestyle. If you have the chance to take a course in Hermeneutics at the local Baptist Bible College... do it. You will learn a great deal about how to keep Verses of the Bible in their Proper context while studying them... and keep a would be Cult leader from using a single small verse as a spring board for their errant doctrines.

If you are thinking that its possible the church you are entertaining is a cult... Get out now... Before you are a member preferably. But in any case... Find a good local church... probably the one they are calling "Liberal" would be a good start... and keep going to church. Pray for direction and follow the Lords leading. God can use even a "Liberal" church to give you further directions... Point you in the right direction... Just trust him and keep your intentions in their proper place.

Read 1st and 2nd Peter and the Book of Jude.Proverbs 3: 5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. 7 ¶ Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.

Be alert to what goes on around you in the Church
Watch the adolescent Children they will tell you much in the way they act...
Watch for Deceptions
Watch for Joking that is not acceptable Biblically.
Be aware of odd innuendos to spouse and children.
Keep close tabs on your Children.
Cults are nothing to trifle with: If in doubt Get out!!!
Just Leave and don't look back!!!
Close the door behind you.
Don't Let them re-open it.

Terry McAuliffe
Terry McAuliffe